Beyond the Texas Method: The Next Steps in Strength Training

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Has the Texas Method stopped working for you, and you’re frustrated with your lack of gains? If that’s the case, you’re probably wondering what to do after the Texas Method.

Two of the most effective weightlifting programs after the Texas Method are the 5/3/1 cycle and the Candito Powerlifting Program.

friends doing squats exercise in the park with female fitness trainer. - Texas View

Weight Lifting Programs to Use After Texas Method

If you feel that your journey with the Texas Method has run its course, you may be considering what the next step in your weightlifting regimen should be. Two programs you could possibly try out after the Texas Method are:

  • The 5/3/1 Cycle
  • The Candito Powerlifting Program

Let’s dig deeper into the details of each one.

5/3/1 Cycle

The 5/3/1 cycle revolves around four essential lifts: the squat, shoulder press, deadlift, and bench press.

It involves spreading those lifts across four workout sessions throughout the week. Once you’ve done this for four weeks, you’ll have completed one 5/3/1 cycle.

Let’s take a closer look at the reps that you’ll be required to do during the cycle:

WEEK 1DayExerciseReps
MondayBench Press3 sets of 5 reps
WednesdaySquats3 sets of 5 reps
FridayShoulder Press3 sets of 5 reps
SaturdayDeadlifts3 sets of 5 reps
First week of the 5/3/1 cycle

Start off the cycle by doing three sets of five reps for each essential lift on separate days.

WEEK 2DayExerciseReps
MondayBench Press3 sets of 3 reps
WednesdaySquats3 sets of 3 reps
FridayShoulder Press3 sets of 3 reps
SaturdayDeadlifts3 sets of 3 reps
Second week of the 5/3/1 cycle

You’ll want to do three sets of three reps during the second week instead.

WEEK 3DayExerciseReps
MondayBench Press1 set of 5 reps1 set of 3 reps1 set of 1 rep
WednesdaySquats1 set of 5 reps1 set of 3 reps1 set of 1 rep
FridayShoulder Press1 set of 5 reps1 set of 3 reps1 set of 1 rep
SaturdayDeadlifts1 set of 5 reps1 set of 3 reps1 set of 1 rep
Third week of the 5/3/1 cycle

In week three, you’ll be doing three sets of each lift and reducing the number of reps with each set.

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WEEK 4DayExerciseReps
MondayBench Press3 sets of 5 reps
WednesdaySquats3 sets of 5 reps
FridayShoulder Press3 sets of 5 reps
SaturdayDeadlifts3 sets of 5 reps
Fourth week of the 5/3/1 cycle

It’s important to note that the fourth week is meant to be a deloading phase to give your muscles a chance to recover. Therefore, you should use a lighter weight than what you used during week three to avoid injury.

When you start the next four-week cycle, you’ll want to ramp up your weights. We recommend you increase the weight by 5 lbs from your one-rep maximum for the bench and shoulder press. On the other hand, you should add 10 lbs for the squats and deadlifts.

Make sure also to incorporate some assistance exercises into your workouts. These auxiliary lifts are meant to supplement the main lift of the day. This is a good way to increase your muscles’ capacity, which reduces the risk of injury and helps you get better results.

These assistance exercises should target the same muscle group as your main lift. Here are some examples of assistance exercises you can use:

  • With bench press: pull-ups, pushups, chin-ups
  • With shoulder press: dumbbell lateral raises, dips
  • With squats: lunges, leg press, leg raises
  • With deadlifts: lat pulldown, bird-dogs

For each assistance exercise, do five sets of ten reps.

Candito Powerlifting Program

Another program you can adopt after you’re done with the Texas Method is the Candito Powerlifting Program. You should note that this program isn’t for everyone. First of all, it’s designed for intermediate and experienced weightlifters. This is because it gives the user a lot of options.

This can be overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re doing. In turn, you won’t get the best results and you can possibly get injured. Additionally, if you don’t like to squat and deadlift on the same day, you’re better off going for the 5/3/1 cycle.

Now that we’ve established who should and shouldn’t use the Candito program, let’s dive into what it actually involves.

It’s a six-week program in which you progress from lifting lighter weights with many reps to heavier weights with few reps. By week five, you should be doing a single set of four reps at 97% of your one-rep maximum.

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The program focuses on three lifts; the bench press, squat, and deadlift. Here are the different phases you’ll go through throughout the program:

1Muscular Conditioning
3Linear Progression
4Heavy Acclimation and Power
5Maximal Strength
The Candito powerlifting program

Between each week and the next, you should increase the weight you’re using by 6-8%.

Why Texas Method May Stop Working

You may be wondering why the Texas Method has stopped working for you in the first place. As with any weightlifting program, the Texas Method relies on exposing your muscles to stress and then giving them time to recover and adapt before applying stress once more.

As your body gets used to the routine and rep pattern of the Texas Method, it becomes more tolerant to it. Therefore, your physique won’t progress if you keep doing the same thing.

On the other side, your body may not recover as efficiently due to the increased weights you’re using. You’ll definitely know if this is what’s happening since you’ll constantly feel sore and sluggish.

Texas Method FAQs

Why is it called the Texas Method?

The Texas Method was given its name because Mark Rippetoe, its creator, was a resident of the Lone Star State.

Is the Texas Method good for beginners?

No, the Texas Method is rather intense and is designed for intermediate lifters. Therefore, you may feel overwhelmed and be at risk of injury if you start your weightlifting journey by jumping straight into the Texas Method.


Author Profile
Christian Linden Texas View Headshot 3 - Texas View
Author at  | Texas View

Christian Linden is a seasoned writer and contributor at Texas View, specializing in topics that resonate with the Texan community. With over a decade of experience in journalism, Christian brings a wealth of knowledge in local politics, culture, and lifestyle. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from the University of Texas. When he's not writing, Christian enjoys spending weekends traveling across Texas with his family, exploring everything from bustling cities to serene landscapes.

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